Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Sonic Youth's Anagrama

The album Anagrama created by Sonic Youth released in 1997.
21 years ago.
1 year before I was born.
Listening to it on a February day in 2019. The year I don't belong.
Wishing I was 20 at the time of this release....not an adolescent in this shitty era of pop indie edm whatever people want to call their unoriginal soundcloud garbage.
Instead of listening to it for the first time on Youtube, I can place it's vinyl record on a player and play it at the suggested 45 and then after that put the pin back to the edge of the record adjusting the speed to 33 to feel it a bit slower. Feel every crazy vibration.
This album is quite eccentric.
Words cannot describe what your ears endure during the EP's 23 minutes of 4 tracks.
The first track really hits the spot from the very beginning. So relaxing and tingly.
9 1/2 minutes of pure passion.
The first half of this EP is absolute sex due to this song "Anagrama" as you can see is also the title of the full album.
The second half is definitely more intense to the ears. A little rough and kinky.
Foreplay is officially over once you get to the 2nd track.
Sonic Youth is coming at you raw on these next 3 tracks.
You are basically in another universe at this point.
There's no turning back. The familiar drums then come back from the 1st track but you are still confused as hell.
You then find some composure after being face fucked by aliens. Hoping this is some time machine realm that will let you press rewind to the 90's. 
Then to realize that it's coming back at you even weirder and stronger hitting you with harsh reality of post-punk for the 3rd and 4th track.
The vibes are first sexy but actually it turns out it's more creepy than sexy. You even hear your phone ringing at some point but it's just an alien phonebooth no worries. 
It's just a whole lot going on but you learn to like it a lot. And replay it while you read the morning news. And then replay it again while you clean your house. While you drive the kids to school. You fucking fall asleep to the crackhead seizure of track 4 "Mieux: De Corrosion."

Alright good luck with it.

La La Land

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