Friday, November 8, 2019

La La Land

Every time I ask my "try-hard-to-be-american but is clearly fresh off the boat Asian" dad for 50 bucks I get the same boring, waste of time lectures,

"Geeez Ella what have you become"
"You are such in a la la land"
"Kids here are working 2-3 jobs and what are you doing with your life"
"You are just having fun"
"So this is what Islam has done to you?"

Woah. woah. woah. Hold up.
So asking my dad who is comfortably working and enjoying his life in America for some money is a really big deal?
I live in a country that is 4 times less in salary/currency/cost of living than you American dream and I am the enemy. Oh alright, congratufuckinglations to all you Jews.
Islam is always the enemy right?
This has nothing to do with religion, this is just a situation of money, and that's all you fools care about, your precious little USD.

You think I'm living in a La La Land because I am 21 years old and sometimes need help from my parents. Oh, someone arrest me already.
Stop thinking so negative about your own daughter.
I'm not the same like your eastern european gold diggers that have cheat you for money. I am your own daughter.
I will give you love and attention no matter what.
It doesn't matter if you send me $50 or $5,000....
I won't runaway from you.
I'm not here to cheat you.
I'm here to be your daughter.
To be your family.

But you are too busy. America is the fucking la la land. All you care about is money, sex, and fun. All the vices are present in the beautifully artificial country of America.
Seriously, you can't help me out with $50 but you can afford nice hotels and play golf whenever you want. You can travel anytime you want, play golf anywhere you want. YOU PLAY GOLF!
Now you are in the la la land. With your candy dicks and sweet pussy. The pills, drinks, and oh yes, golf! Seriously?
Drive uber so you can play golf?
Oh father, I am sorry that America has mutated you into this.
I really pray Allah has mercy on you.
I hope you find the reason why you are alive today.
Not because of money.
Not because of America.
Not because you stand by yourself.
But because of your Creator.
Only Him alone. Nothing else. No one else.
Now if you understand this, then you understand Islam's essentials.

One day you will see the la la land that you have been wasting your time in,
the la la land that you will never achieve,
the American dream that will only remain a dream.
Take care.
I promise to try my best to help you wake up.
And I promise to try my best to not let your la la land destroy my principles and my life.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Don't board that plane

Currently 13:55
Flight time 15:35
Ruin your life
New religion destroyed
Love perished
Board that plane and you die

Remain where you are
Attached to your nature as a human
As your Creator's
You are okay
Just don't board
Or you will slowly burn

Steam of blandness

Out of her uterus you go. I am a alive. I am a baby into this new world. Pure. Innocent. New. A baby. No experience. No language. No knowledge. Everything starting fresh from now on. So I slowly grow my baby hairs longer. Roll, sit, crawl, roll, stand, fall, walk, run, roll, run, roll into a depression as I gain awareness of my surroundings. Influences everywhere you look everything you hear is going to shape your character and future self, As soon as you start talking they already want more from you. It doesn't end until you really make it then but regardless their will always be that voice in the back of your head that has influenced you ever since you could understand your first language. But even if you understood in your way does that mean you really understand in their way. And even if you understand in their way do you want to fulfill what they want for you or what you want for yourself. You are nothing but a baby though right. They have to mold you into something that can conquer this evil world. So school starts and then you are forced to play sports and not just any sport you want but a sport that will help you get a scholarship in school...nope it doesn't matter if you enjoy that sport or are even good at it because you were convinced to practice a sport that will guarantee you easy college admission. Oh and your career? It better promise you a good salary. Get that degree as fast as you can and strap yourself down to that promised salary. And the minimum better be no less than $45,000 a year. Who cares if you are only 22 years old when you earn your promised bachelor's degree because that degree guarantees a successful life. Oh and successful just means a good salary it doesn't matter if you are a low level nurse in a government controlled hospital where your colleagues don't even know if you are a nurse or a patient because your eye bags are darker than the moon. And make sure that salary keeps getting higher. After two years of nursing and your continuation of school you better be a Nurse Practitioner at the age of 25 or you are irrelevant to this society. And no you cannot just work you have to be fit and post your healthy meals on your social media while catching up with all your old friends that completely forgot why they still associate themselves with you. Don't take it personally though. At least you got that promised salary your father has been begging you to continue school for. So you wake up. Go on a morning run, eat your avocado poached egg toast and bike to work and then you work your 12 hour shift only to bike back to your lonely apartment with your two fishes that you feed before yourself and then you continue to scroll and like and dream and envy and shake off the fact that you are not happy you will never be satisfied with this lifestyle. You go out occasionally with some friends or your roommates but the drinks taste watered down even though you still can't get it down your hatch properly without throwing it back up or embarrassing yourself flushed in red. And better yet you go to sleep alone or with some guy that gave you a drink or a hit of his joint. How long does this cycle repeat until you realized you want to be a wife already you want to start a family. Friends can leave anytime they wish. But a husband and kids is the life we are created for. Maybe now you aren't on your path to that salary your father has talked to you about since you were in High School, but he never talked about happiness or hereafter. This life on this Earth is too temporary that;s it;s almost funny how people take it too seriously, You must be successful, but not in your happy family, but in your singular income. What a life that would be. I'm 100000% sure Allah did not create these hands just to earn and spend for useless items. Wake up girlies. Life is so much more than just money and instant satisfaction and gratification. Seek out happiness for eternal life...not just today. Maybe you don't know from your obsessive consumerism culture you were born in....but patience can guide you out to a better life. Take care.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Home ???

What a funny way to live.

I've been in Indonesia for almost 2 weeks and I feel the same feelings as last August right before I went back to US.

I wouldn't call that place home just my birth place I guess…I don't really belong anywhere to be quite honest.

No home.

But none of us really have a quote on quote home if you really think deep about it. Is a home where we were born? Where we were raised? Is it a place? A house? A person? More than one person? Is it a pet? A family? A feeling? A desire? An emotion? I'm still trying to grasp this concept of home but quite honestly it sounds so fucking far off that it barely seems to even exist.

Does it have to be missed? Or is it your goal? An unattainable fairytale vision?

And is this concept of home necessarily the place where you belong or should remain?

But why am I even thinking about mt settlement when I just came out of the womb 20 years ago?

I am still a free little baby seeing the quote on quote real world and truly discovering who I am as an individual.

But so far I'm fucked up.

To be honest it's not easy finding yourself when you are so so deeply in love.

Myself is now someone that must coexist with this man. So it is even myself? I feel lost without him and I feel even more lost with him. I'm so caught up in this string of hearts that I'm unintentionally strangling myself. But its basically intentional since I am completely aware of this entanglement and refuse to unwind. But in the end I just want to cut the ties all at once.

I am completely thinking and believing things that has never crossed my mind 2 years ago. The thought of my nonexistent home has completely kept me up at night. My mind is so unsteady. I've acquired a constant mental fog and no matter how hard I try to read or pray or focus on my intentions for Allah…I completely trip. And right as I was going to jump into the bridge I fall on my laces and I can't even make it to the bridge anymore.

My back is straining.
My jaw is tensing until I feel a dull pain.

My heart feels like it can explode any minute. In the best way possible. And at the same time, in the worst way possible.

I don't know how to let go of this lingering tension.

I try to calm myself. But after the moment of clarity the tension builds back up more intense. The intensity increasing by increments of the thousands every time I attempt to suppress my mind.

I can't keep pushing these feelings. I'm swaying in a swing that is about to collapse. My strength hasn't been fully tested merely because my weaknesses are too heavy to even lift a centimeter off.

Anyways enough of my amateur cry out poetry.

As I was saying, I feel like I'm in the same place as last August when I left Thailand and went back to US. And I went back simply because I couldn't handle relying on this man anymore. He was struggling everyday to help feed me and get me a hostel bed Thailand. I think it lasted 2.5 weeks alone but fully depending on this man when he was in Malaysia. And after 3 days of not eating I decided to climb into my biological father's babycrib and fly home with his aid and our regrets. His regret for having me born and my regret that I didn't use that opportunity back in my birth place to the best of my ability. My stupid little fucked up, diminishing, low level abilities. Sorry Dad. It definitely saddens me too that I didn't conform to millennium society when I had the PERFECT chance right in front of my can of beer and multiple lines of cocaine. Wait what? Oh yeah did I mention regrets?

And yet again Thailand visa run part 2 but this time in lovely Indonesia. Eating twice a day already feels glutinous compared to how me and this man lived in Malaysia though...believe it or not...the day I left this man to do my little visa run we just pulled a double all nighter at the cyber cafe. Funny right? And I still had to ask my cousin for the ticket! And then this man proceeds to pull multiple all nighters completely homeless while booking me a room here in Indonesia. Yeah talk about struggle.

I don't know why everyday has to be a waiting game. I simply cannot live like this. Just wait for this man to finish a job and send me money to eat and get a room. It doesn't feel right at all. And sometimes he doesn't even have a room and of course he never eats enough. How is this right at all? I am fully capable of working in US but he thinks I will literally burn in hell if I go back there. Whether he is right or not is besides the point. So what? I just have to sit around while he works too hard to barely feed the both of us. I love traditional lifestyles and all that but I gotta wake up man....this isn't 1500s and I'm not living in a village. I don't know what 20 year old girl in her right mind is travelling abroad living this type of life when she has a completely open sesame opportunity in her birth place the Super Capitalist Mega 1st World Country. The simple answer is that I'm fucking crazy.
Crazy mentally and maybe crazy in love. I don't really know what it is but it's been quite an experience. It's kind of hilariously outrageous and at the same time extremely sad.

I don't know.

My heart is aching.

My chest is in pain.

I can't stop crying.

I can't write anymore.

This is all I have to say for now.

Probably a handful to understand.

Now that I read this over again I can't help but laugh at how ridiculous my life is right now.

Can't take it so seriously right? I guess that's partly what keeps me going. But also partly what keeps me not giving a shit anymore. So there it is.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Puffy Eyes

Tense shoulders
Throat quivering
Two full buckets ready to spill
You turn away from him
Let him not see a drop
He speaks
Triggered emotions
Buckets tip over dramatically
Followed by puffy eyes

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Sonic Youth's Anagrama

The album Anagrama created by Sonic Youth released in 1997.
21 years ago.
1 year before I was born.
Listening to it on a February day in 2019. The year I don't belong.
Wishing I was 20 at the time of this release....not an adolescent in this shitty era of pop indie edm whatever people want to call their unoriginal soundcloud garbage.
Instead of listening to it for the first time on Youtube, I can place it's vinyl record on a player and play it at the suggested 45 and then after that put the pin back to the edge of the record adjusting the speed to 33 to feel it a bit slower. Feel every crazy vibration.
This album is quite eccentric.
Words cannot describe what your ears endure during the EP's 23 minutes of 4 tracks.
The first track really hits the spot from the very beginning. So relaxing and tingly.
9 1/2 minutes of pure passion.
The first half of this EP is absolute sex due to this song "Anagrama" as you can see is also the title of the full album.
The second half is definitely more intense to the ears. A little rough and kinky.
Foreplay is officially over once you get to the 2nd track.
Sonic Youth is coming at you raw on these next 3 tracks.
You are basically in another universe at this point.
There's no turning back. The familiar drums then come back from the 1st track but you are still confused as hell.
You then find some composure after being face fucked by aliens. Hoping this is some time machine realm that will let you press rewind to the 90's. 
Then to realize that it's coming back at you even weirder and stronger hitting you with harsh reality of post-punk for the 3rd and 4th track.
The vibes are first sexy but actually it turns out it's more creepy than sexy. You even hear your phone ringing at some point but it's just an alien phonebooth no worries. 
It's just a whole lot going on but you learn to like it a lot. And replay it while you read the morning news. And then replay it again while you clean your house. While you drive the kids to school. You fucking fall asleep to the crackhead seizure of track 4 "Mieux: De Corrosion."

Alright good luck with it.

La La Land

Every time I ask my "try-hard-to-be-american but is clearly fresh off the boat Asian" dad for 50 bucks I get the same boring, wast...