Saturday, January 19, 2019

America's False Flag

I have held an American citizenship since I was born.
I was born in California. 
My parents were born in the Philippines.
Moved to America in their 20's around 1995. 
So of course I look completely Asian and identify as a Filipina.
Now the question is am I an American? Am I an American-Immigrant? Am I an Asian-American?
And the other question is...why does it really matter?

It's just a passport. It's just a citizenship. But it is one of the last things I can truly identify myself as. It's not the country I am proud to be coming from. And surely, I still don't think I really come from there. I was just born on that land because my parents didn't want to live in their homeland. They call America the "land of the free" but I can consider it more the "land of the lost." The land of many people who don't want to or don't care to identify themselves with any country. As some are proud to be an American. Many of us don't truly know what it really means to be an American. 

Travelling around Asia I've learned many things about the world and my identity. One thing is for sure that America is completely a bubble, oblivious to so many real things going on in other countries, oblivious to the strong impact (positive and mostly negative) their western influence and capitalistic ideology has put upon many countries in Southeast Asia. Americans are completely stuck in their own ideas that they are the strongest country in economy, style, entertainment, equality, human rights and everything great...but is it really that great for the world, or just them? In similar ways it has destroyed my family, western influence has put a huge toll on the poverty differences in the Philippines, Indonesia, India, etc. and slowly working it's way to other innocent countries like Malaysia and Thailand without them realizing it. They take from all these third world countries. Check right now, where is your shirt from? Maybe it's from Bangladesh or South Africa. But I guarantee you that a majority of you won't see your cheap clothing made from America or a European country. Many of these western first world countries are nothing without these third world countries, and the sad part is that the first world countries take all the credit. They cannot admit that they want oil from the middle east, so they create this religious tension putting all this fear on extremist groups when they are the filthy thieves.

America is not just taking oil. They take everything they want for their benefit. Taking from any country that is a bit too relaxed and a lot easier to control than North Korea. Making it sound like they can make a nice peace deal helping each other, but all they do it just drop their shit sex culture and leave with anything they want. They took my family from me. They took my identity away from me. They took my homeland so I can call them my homeland. My real fake homeland filled with artificial grass and covered with plastic.

Apology not heard. Apology not accepted.

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